Monday, March 26, 2012

My First Vacation

ROAD TRIP!!! This past weekend I took my first vacation! Being 6 weeks old is a LOT of work. I wake up, I eat, then I burp, then I get a new diaper, then I go to sleep, then I wake up, then I...well you get the picture. I take the words of poet laureate Ferris Bueller to heart, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." He is a wise, wise man. I hope I grow up to be just like him. (Mommy just piped in and said "You better not!".

Anyway, on Thursday night, Papa flew in to Dallas to meet us and Bubbe so we could drive down to Houston for Cousin Ava's Baby Naming. Papa came here first to be able to spend some extra quality time with me.  I'm a lucky little girl! I missed him a lot!

Unfortunately we couldn't make it to the naming since it was on Shabbat, but on Saturday afternoon I got a surprise visit from Uncle Alan, Ava's Daddy. We were so excited to meet each other!

We took this picture on Sunday:

Me and Uncle Alan

On Sunday we went over to Aunt Emily's parent's house to spend time with our family and meet Ava. It was so fun. We even took pictures with Papa and Bubbe holding us.

Ava and I cuddle with Bubby and Papa
I'm so lucky to have a cousin so close in age to me (7 weeks and 2 days to be exact).

Well, we're back home in Dallas now and I need a vacation from this vacation. Time for another nap!

- Becca

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Party Time, Excellent!

A proud Mommy and Tatty with Becca!

The best present we ever received!

This morning we celebrated Becca with a post-baby baby shower (after all, why shouldn't the guest of honor get to attend?) It's a Jewish custom not to have a baby shower before the baby is born to help keep away the evil eye. But once a baby is out its all fair game. Initially I was nervous since Becca is our firstborn and yes, babies require a LOT of stuff that we didn't yet have. Thankfully, Tatty's cousins Sheri and Jeanette offered to host a party a few weeks after Becca was born. It was Becca's party and she'll cry if she wants to...but she didn't. She was actually a very good baby and everyone who asked and carefully washed their hands was so happy to have a chance to cuddle her.

We had so much fun celebrating Becca with all of Tatty's family and family friends. Even Bubbe, my Mommy, surprised us by flying in from California for the occasion. She's probably even going to stay with us for a couple weeks before we all go down to Houston for Cousin Ava's Baby Naming at the end of the month. Our family loves a good party!

- Mommy

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kiddush and Hebrew Naming

When Becca was born our goal was to be out of the hospital on Friday and I would go to shul (synagogue) and give Becca her Hebrew name that Shabbat. Unfortunately her pediatrician in the hospital, Dr. Salomon (who was also my doctor when I was little), recommended she spend an extra night in the nursery. So instead I went later that week to give you your name during the Torah reading on Monday morning. Becca's Hebrew name is Rivka Fruma in honor of two of her great-grandmothers. Rebecca Lottie (Rivkah Latta), was my beloved Grandma who we lost in September. Mommy's Granny Frieda Drexler was Fruma, a self proclaimed "recycled teenager," who Mommy was very close to. We hope our Becca brings great honor to these amazing women for whom she is named.

Tatty getting called to the Torah and naming Rivka Fruma

Finally, on March 17, St. Patrick's Day, Mommy decided it was time for Becca to make her debut at shul. So we sponsored the kiddush (reception) after Shabbat services in Becca's honor. You had so many guests! Not only were Zaide, Grandma, Uncle David and Aunt Melissa there, but so was Uncle Marc (Great Uncle), Bubba (Great-Grandma) and Grandpa (Great-Grandpa. She has a Papa and Zaide, no one goes by Grandpa, so we're thinking my Grandpa will remain Grandpa. We'll see how that goes...). Bubbe was also still here from California so she got to go to the kiddush too! Some say that having a kiddush for your baby is a segulah (essentially means good luck) for her to one day find her soul mate and get married. With the shidduch (dating/marriage) crisis as it is today in 2012, we want to give Becca as good of an omen as possible. Instead of your standard kiddush of chulent and crackers, we decided we wanted to have some fun. So our menu was donuts, ice cream and, of course, a couple St. Patrick's Day cakes. Not a scrap of food was left, everyone had an excellent time and everyone loved Becca. She was a big hit.

- Tatty

Just some of our kiddush goodies. 6 dozen donuts, 2 cakes, veggies, dips and more! Yum!!!